Tuesday, February 14, 2006

On the Debt of our Creation

I have been reading Mary: The Church at the Source, a combined work that is a compilation of writings by Hans Urs von Balthasar and Pope Benedict XVI while Cardinal Ratzinger. The first evening of our RCIA Purification & Enlightenment will be on Mary and her place in the Church.

From Father Balthasar, words I find especially interesting in light of our expecting:

If someone is a believer, he will never cease being struck with amazement at the mystery of the begetting of a child. How can a purely physiological process produce a human person who is free, spiritual, enjoys an immediate relation to God - how, indeed, unless the all-begetting origin, God himself, is involved. Every man who is in any way religious will owe lifelong thanks for himself, not only to his parents, but also to God. After all it was God who gave man his [man's] own self as the highest and primary of all worldly goods.

Amazement and gratitude, and a renewed respect for my parents. That about sums it up.


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