Friday, March 03, 2006

Our Baby's Heart

We heard our baby's heartbeat, this evening.

Lindsay's mother is a doctor and works in a low-risk pregnancy clinic, so she invited us in after-hours to listen.

I expected it to sound percussive, like a little drum hammering away. But, it was a different sound, reminding me of what you might expect from a sheet of metal being flapped up and down.

And earlier in the day, a woman I worked with who is away on maternity leave dropped in with her month-old daughter. The girl, Mya, was beautiful.

It's remarkable, at the end of the day, how much weight is carried in the memory of eight pounds of baby and a nine week old heartbeat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's nice bro. I saw our baby's heart beat a few weeks ago. Isn't it amazing?
It sucks that we can't be living in the same city while we experience the same things.

Us as fathers is a crazy thing :-)

2:52 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

It is too bad that we can't experience this together. It would be nice to have a friend around who is going through the same thing.

And, yes, us as fathers is a crazy thing.


1:09 AM  

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